Our old TFT displays on the platforms at Schiphol bus station needed replacing after 9 years. Travellers now enjoy 8 double-sided stop displays and 2 overview displays with the latest GOB technology. Visually strong and clear for the ultimate travel experience!
Suitable for the blind and visually impaired
The display systems also have a convenient audio function, so even the blind and visually impaired can call up the right information at the right time. At the touch of a button, a voice tells the necessary travel details.
First installation in 2015
The new Schiphol-North bus station, built in 2015, was a major step in the AROV project. This project should provide for a high-quality public transport network between the municipalities of Haarlem, Badhoevedorp, Amsterdam-Zuid, Amstelveen and, of course, Schiphol Airport. An old aircraft hangar from the Second World War was used to cover the unique station with eight platforms. Combined with the modern design with digital bus stop systems by Q-lite, it has become a special hub for travellers.