All Eyes
on Mobility
Intertraffic Amsterdam (29 maart – 1 april 2022)
The world of mobility is changing. Cities are getting crowded and traffic dynamics on roads and in public transport are increasing. That is why we need accurate information and proper systems to allow traffic to run smoothly from A to B.
Q-lite is the best partner for you. We make it our business to relieve you of any problems you might encounter in realising information systems to provide drivers, travellers and pedestrians with accurate information.
On the Intertraffic 2022 we show you the newest technical innovations that might be a solution for actual or future mobility issues.

Our mobility advisors

Jan van der Weijden

Wannes Gykiere

Intertraffic Amsterdam 2022
Intertraffic Amsterdam offers thé platform to explore 13 halls with latest trends, products and services under one roof. Meet market leaders and game changers from the industry. At Intertraffic Amsterdam +30,000 traffic professionals and +900 exhibiting companies from all over the world are here to connect. Learn from +100 experts and get inspired during interactive theatre sessions, demos and presentations on big data, smart infrastructure, connected and automated driving, MaaS, urban parking, road construction and more. For more information please visit the website.