By achieving this ranking, Q-lite is now part of the best reviewed companies in our sector. In total, EcoVadis ranks 100.000 companies worldwide. What a result for Q-lite!
EcoVadis is a reviewing organisation, that rates big companies worldwide based on international standards such as ISO. The organisation rated 4 different topics, with a total of 21 criteria. These topics are focussed on the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), how the company deals with social responsibility on topics such as environment, society and the wellbeing of employees. After the rankings, the company gets a score between 0 and 100 points. This score decides what ranking the company deserves, such as EcoVadis bronze, silver, gold and platina.
Q-lite received a high score, predominantly on the domains of environment and labor and human rights. This is because Q-lite provides the market with circular solutions and starts actions to optimise the most important environmental parameters.

To reach the gold ranking of EcoVadis, Q-lite had to present the already obtained certifications, such as ISO9001, ISO14001, VCA and the SDG-charter. Q-lite has obtained these certificates successfully in the past few years. These certificates help Q-lite to secure and prove their sustainable vision. Sustainability manager Jeroen Raeijmaekers states: “Our focus on ESG creates an integrated sustainability vision, based on Sustainability, Social and Governance. We can prove our approach because of the EcoVadis gold ranking, but also because of the goals in the SDG charter.”
Circular strategy
Sustainability manager Jeroen Raeijmaekers tells you in the video how we at Q-lite implement the proposed ESG objectives and circular strategy in our organization. What’s up? What’s next?