ISO9001 is the most popular and widely used quality management standard. Rightly so. Our quality management system is also certified in accordance with this standard.
It is our basis for the correct development, production and maintenance of our display systems. Each department can therefore function optimally and deliver high-quality work that meets your requirements and wishes.
It offers the guarantee that the system is well thought out and works excellently in practice.

ISO 14001 is the basis for environmental management as part of sustainable business. Our environmental management system is also certified in accordance with this standard.
This certificate is the starting point for improving Q-lite’s ‘green’ position in the chain and embedding the environmental policy more in the general corporate strategy.
It offers our customers and other stakeholders the guarantee that we work in a proven sustainable way and do everything we can to ensure that you can continue to use our screens to the highest possible standard.
The VCA** certificate helps us to work in a safe, healthy and environmentally friendly way, with the aim of reducing the number of accidents.
Safe working is of paramount importance to us and we want to structurally improve and invest in this.
It offers you the guarantee that we always work in a safe, healthy and environmentally friendly way.