Bicycle Information Systems

Bicycle information systems provide up-to-date route information for cyclists. The Netherlands and Belgium are traditionally true cycling countries. In many cities, cycling is a popular mode of transport among road users. Not surprisingly, cyclists in urban areas are getting more and more space and attention. This development can be translated, among other things, into proper information provision to cyclists. A cycle route information system (FRIS) actively informs cyclists regarding cycle routes, bicycle parking facilities and other relevant announcements.

The cyclist reaches his destination faster

Display systems along frequently used cycling routes show up-to-date information and indicate, for example, the number of free spaces in a bicycle parking area or diversions. In the parking facility itself, an efficient referral system ensures that free spaces can be found quickly and increases the ease-of-use for cyclists.

Bicycle counter display

With a bicycle counter display, a city or municipality can positively promote cycling. A bicycle counter display has a sensitising effect, you can literally see this on the built-in display. In addition, the LED screen can display cycling-related messages, news or facts

Dit is de coverafbeelding van de de whitepaper over slimme oplossingen voor veilige steden waarop je een lichtgevende stad in het donker ziet en de lichtstrepen die auto's achterlaten

Smart solutions for an accessible, safe and hospitable city

RAAAK platform

The information panels are remotely controlled and managed via the RAAAK platform developed by Q-lite. THE IoT platform to control and manage information systems.

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