Cycling is becoming more and more attractive, it is better for the environment and you can quickly cover a short distance with it. As a result, the bicycle is becoming increasingly important for cities and municipalities, but the infrastructure is lagging behind. This creates dangerous points in the routes, and there is no clear signaling and traffic flow plan. Furthermore, there are more cyclists than bicycle parking facilities, which means that bicycles are parked everywhere.
How can you optimize this?
We are of course familiar with parking guidance for cars. This parking guidance shows where all parking spaces are and even how many spaces are still available. Did you know that this also exists for cyclists?
With this parking guidance you guide cyclists through the city, so that they get to their location faster and safer.
By means of this parking guidance, cyclists do not have to get off and conflicts with cars are avoided.
This is done by parking guidance in combination with bicycle streets and bicycle highways. Just like with cars, the parking guidance has large letters so that you do not have to stop unnecessarily to read information.
This ensures safer traffic situations and more efficient movements.

How can you positively encourage cycling?
Safety and efficiency
Cycling is healthy because it gives you daily exercise, but it also ensures that there are fewer cars on the road. This helps against air pollution and busy streets in your city or municipality. But how do you encourage residents to use their bicycles?
To encourage cyclists, you must ensure that cyclists get to their destination in a safe, fast and easy way. Therefore, make sure you have clear bicycle routes that are separated from motorized traffic. For example, Bicycle Route Information Systems have been installed at five different locations on the Zuidas in Amsterdam. These not only show the way, but also show which bicycle parking is busy and which is quiet.
Giving citizens insight into how many cyclists cycle in your city or municipality every day and even annually can also encourage them to take the bicycle.
A bicycle counting display helps with this, it not only shows the daily and annual number of cyclists, but also fun facts and facts. In combination with apps and other combinations, this creates more awareness and cyclists. But also in combination with bicycle highways such as in Flanders and around Eindhoven.
This bicycle highway is an easy way to get from A to B quickly and safely.

Campaigns at schools and squares help to draw positive attention to cycling. Especially if you do this in a dynamic way with the use of digital screens. The content is easily adaptable and varied so that your campaign continues to stand out. You can also use a reward system. With this, citizens are rewarded when they take their bicycle by means of points that they save and spend at local shops, for example. This way you encourage cycling and at the same time you support local traders. Win -Win! A platform that can support this is Smart City cloud platform from Cipal-C smart.
You can also choose to collect data with the School Safety System and visualize it on digital screens, but you can also visualize and promote objectives on a digital screen.
We briefly summarize:
Increase time savings and create a safe cycling environment through bicycle streets and a bicycle guide, so you can easily guide cyclists to the right location in a safe manner.
Door data inzichtelijk te maken op digitale displays en apps in combinatie met een reward model, maak je van fietsen een echte sport!

Smart solutions for an accessible, safe and hospitable city
Let us advise you
Contact our advisor in Belgium:
Contact our advisor in the Netherlands:

Wannes Gykiere
+32 4 72 43 96 49

Jan van der Weijden
+31 6 12 89 85 50